vernissage on line 2020

By Davide Foschi

Dear friends,

Welcome to the vernissage of the new "ON LINE EXHIBITION OF THE ARTISTS OF THE NEW RENAISSANCE 2020-RAFFAEL 500" curated by Luca Sinescalco, another pearl of our team of art curators.

Natalia Jacquounain is the protagonist of this personal exhibition entitled "MYSTICAL EXTOTISM" which starts today (Mai, 11 2020) and will end on Sunday 17th May.

Natalia Jacquounain was selected among the Artists of the New Renaissance in 2019 and since then she has been a true "column" of our artistic and cultural movement.

Natalia is one of those wonderful cases that, with a splendid artistic career behind her, illuminates her neo-humanist future in the fullest sense of the word.

I am very proud, as artistic director, to present her in live exhibitions (as for example in the art gallery of our Network hosted at the Agenzia d'Assicurazioni FM in Milan, hyphen between the economic and artistic world, or as in the glittering editions of the Festival of the New Renaissance) and on the web, as in this occasion.

A totally personal visionary style joins the deepening of important themes that concern all of us, flying like an eagle from one's soul to the soul of all.

This is Natalia Jacquounain, a true artist, an artist who knows her own expressiveness and the uncommon quality of being able to relate to the user without easy shortcuts, without simplistic holds represented by controversy, bad taste, banal and rhetorical social denunciation, a theme that there is actually but treated by the artist with gracefulness, that is with "deep lightness", with refinement and sensitivity, with sixth sense and culture.

In a word with Humanity.

Enjoy this exhibition, the images of the artist's works; the comments and reviews of the excellent curator Luca Siniscalco who was able to capture the most invisible notes; the critics and the public. I can assure you that you will not be disappointed.

Connecting to this post you will enjoy, day by day, the development of the exhibition, with texts and images. All the interventions of many friends, other curators and Rosella Maspero, who, as an artistic and formative Metacoach and on the occasion of the finissage, will complete the whole process, bringing new intuitive elements available to everyone, thanks to a deep work based on the observation of Natalia's works.

Good vision, good exhibition and good New Renaissance.

(The other texts on Jacquounain's works by Davide Foschi)