exposition au Centre Leonardo da Vinci 2022
By Luca Sinescalco |
The artist's latest reflections are closely linked to the - very topical - theme of the ecological challenge.
The symbiosis between microcosm and macrocosm, the spiritual and metaphysical character inscribed in the
immanent and biological dimension of nature, transpire in his most recent works, among which is the "Étoile du diable,"
a representation of the enigmatic dimension rooted in the cosmic dimension.
To the "flight of the gods," Jacquounain opposes the force of remythization - art rises to the symbolic union
(a thesis, this one, already romantic) of nature and culture: shining through is the power of a cosmocentrism
(or cosmoteandrism, to use Raimon Panikkar's expression) on which to base a new aesthetic.